@article{oai:osaka-aoyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000044, author = {古屋,肇子 and Hatsuko,FURUYA and 長尾,直子 and ナガオ,ミチコ and Naoko,NAGAO and 古藤 雄大 and Yuta,KOTO and 小島,賢子 and Satoko,KOJIMA}, journal = {大阪青山大学看護学ジャーナル, Nursing Journal of Osaka Aoyama University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to perform a categorical analysis of opinions and impressions of second-year nursing students after lectures by families of children who experienced the terminal pediatric cancer. The family's feelings during their children's battle against cancer were analyzed to examine the usefulness of the educational mode of lectures by families of affected children. The analysis identified the following eight categories: “emotions experienced by the students,” “understanding families’ emotions,” “imagining feelings of the pediatric patients,” “understanding physicians’ emotions,” “impressions from the drawings made by the pediatric patients,” “education during sickness,” “integrating end-of-life care into students themselves,” and “necessary nursing care.” Lectures directly delivered by families of child patients with cancer allowed some students to get in touch with the feelings of families, which could never be learned through lectures by instructors; furthermore, these lectures enabled the students to attempt to understand the emotions arising owing to the experiences shared by the families and to think about nursing for patients with terminal pediatric cancer. Therefore, our findings indicate the usefulness of educational lectures delivered by families of children who experienced terminal stages of pediatric cancer.}, pages = {11--20}, title = {小児がんターミナル期を経験した家族による命の授業と看護学生の学び―学生の振り返りシートのカテゴリー分析より―}, volume = {6}, year = {2023}, yomi = {フルヤ,ハツコ and コトウ,ユウタ and コジマ,サトコ} }