@article{oai:osaka-aoyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000216, author = {永井, 正幸}, journal = {大阪青山大学紀要, Journal of Osaka Aoyama University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study reports on the challenges faced by beginner piano students taking the first-year courses of Instrumental Music I (first semester) and Instrumental Music II (second semester) offered by the Department of Child Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, Osaka Aoyama University. For beginners, the credit requirement to pass Instrumental Music II is mastering No. 90 in Ferdinand Beyer’s Elementary Instruction Book. This study reviews the learning processes of students who did not pass this credit requirement and identifies for further consideration the following four learning challenges faced by the faculty: (1) initiatives to improve sight-reading skills for sheet music, (2) formulation of a plan to prepare/review the curriculum over the fi rst-year summer break, (3) how to approach study materials other than the Beyer method, and (4) a review of the syllabus for Instrumental Music II.}, pages = {15--19}, title = {本学「器楽Ⅰ・Ⅱ」における学修上の課題(序報)― ピアノ初学者の現状からの報告 ―}, volume = {12}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ナガイ, マサユキ} }