@article{oai:osaka-aoyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000029, author = {中島, 英洋 and 吉江, 弘樹 and 中澤, 翔太 and 赤土, 知佳 and 海尻, 真里 and 松尾, 加澄美 and 吉岡, 由佳里 and 吉崎, 結城}, journal = {大阪青山大学紀要, Journal of Osaka Aoyama University}, month = {Mar}, note = {40019018212, The aim of this study is to compare changes in blood glucose level in response to a mild physical exercise for 25 minutes either in the fasted state or 30 minutes after a standardized meal.   Seven healthy university students (2 males and 5 females, 21 years of age) were studied in a crossover design to compare three conditions: no exercise (control), pre-meal and post-meal exercises.  The three trials conducted on separate days consisted of a rest day when the subjects consumed the standardized meal without any physical activity and two exercise days when they undertook slow-paced walking for 25 minutes immediately before or 30 minutes after the meal.  Blood glucose was determined immediately before and after the exercise, before and 30, 60,120 and 180 min after the meal.   Slow-paced walking for 25 minutes shortly after the meal resulted in lowering the blood glucose level at the end of physical exercise compared to blood glucose level immediately before the exercise or at the same time point on the rest day.  However, there was no change in blood glucose level when the subjects undertook the exercise in the fasted state.   Post-meal mild physical activity may be more effective in depressing the hyperglycemic impact of the meal compared with pre-meal activity.}, pages = {21--26}, title = {慢性期糖尿病合併症の予防・軽減のための研究(2)運動負荷タイミングの食後血糖変動に対する影響}, volume = {3}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ナカジマ, ヒデヒロ and ヨシエ, コウキ and ナカザワ, ショウタ and アカツチ, チカ and カイジリ, マリ and マツオ, カズミ and ヨシオカ, ユカリ and ヨシザキ, ユウキ} }