@article{oai:osaka-aoyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000052, author = {近藤, 大生}, journal = {大阪青山大学紀要, Journal of Osaka Aoyama University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Generally speaking, evaluation of any art work is not an easy matter. Especially, evaluation of haiku poems becomes harder not only because a haiku poem, consisting of only seventeen syllables, is a work of the shortest from of literary art, but also because elements other than the words constituting the poem have to be taken into consideration. Take an example of Kyoshi Takahama, who is regarded as the founder of contemporary haiku and has certainly made great contributions both qualitatively and quantitatively to the modern haiku world. However, most of his haiku works are admired only by people who belong to associations of similar haiku concepts (kessha). In contrast, there are people who stand outside the above associations and do not necessarily guarantee the values of Kyoshi’s haiku works. In the present article, I took up scholars and haiku poets such as Akito Arima, Ichiro Hukumoto, and Shizuo Miyazawa who regard themselves as Kyoshi’s followers and supporters while I selected Makoto Oooka, Jinichi Konishi, Naoki Kishimoto, and others who are somewhat critical of Kyoshi’s haiku in certain aspects. I examined and compared their opposing views on Kyoshi and discussed the differences between their standpoints. As result, I reached the conclusion that there exists a hardly surmountable organizational barrier, which forms the basis of differences in the way of thinking and sense of values between the two camps. I consider the existence of haiku associations (kessha) to be the barrier. The present article attempted to clarify the cause of division as to the values of Kyoshi’s haiku and discuss the merits and demerits and today’s significances of kukai (haiku meetings) and kessha (haiku associations) which played important roles in the development of haiku poetry.}, pages = {31--52}, title = {短詩に関する教育社会学的論攷(第二報)俳句の評価と相互主観性――二分する虚子の評価}, volume = {5}, year = {2013}, yomi = {コンドウ, モトオ} }