@article{oai:osaka-aoyama.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000092, author = {道廣 , 睦子 and 瀬戸口, 要子 and 掛川, 静代 and 明石, 智子 and 瀧本, 茂子 and 小島, 賢子 and 幸島, 美絵 and 中桐, 佐智子}, journal = {大阪青山大学紀要, Jornal of Osaka Aoyama University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The present study involving nursing college students was conducted to empirically examine effects of the introductory college course on seminars called “Kiso Zemi (meaning basic seminars) ” on the students’ motivation to study, assessment of academic progress, and skills for self-education. The subjects were 361 nursing students of College B in Prefecture A, where a questionnaire survey was conducted to ask them their evaluation of the course as to its effects on their motivation to study, assessment of academic achievements, and skills for selfeducation. They positively evaluated the course as to the skills for presentation, group work, literature search, and report writing. Although the course did not directly infl uence the skills for self-education, it favorably contributed to their motivation to study and assessment of academic achievements, which in turn should infl uence their skills for self-education. Since the class style may influence their approaches to learning and assessment of academic achievements, teachers should make efforts to improve their class teaching methods.}, pages = {19--28}, title = {大学教育における基礎ゼミが看護学生の学習意欲,学習成果及び自己教育力に及ぼす影響}, volume = {7}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ミチヒロ, ムツコ and セトグチ, ヨウコ and カケガワ, シズヨ and アカシ, トモコ and タキモト, シゲコ and コジマ, サトコ and コウジマ, ヨシエ and ナカギリ, サチコ} }